라벨이 NBA Simulation인 게시물 표시

[Notice] Foreign friends? in Korea, betting companies will not be open for a week this week!

In Korea, there is only one dividend company. The company has announced this week that it will be off for a week before moving servers. As a result, Koreans cannot play sports Toto for a week. So I take a break from the Excel simulation. During this period, I will try to find the most appropriate conditional formula for reducing Excel simulation errors and betting. I'm not obliged to match all the sports, am I? A foreign friend would agree with this! In soccer, some parts of the search for sources of high success rate matches with good conditions for prototyping have been identified, and basketball is the same. I'm sure your friends will know. Toto is difficult. Moreover, Korea basically has to choose at least two matches. Friends can bet only one game, right? Toto in Korea can't bet like that. I'm telling you this week that I'm not posting the simulation data table either! It's not a lot of people, but friends from various countries visit blogs, so I'm writ...

NBA Excel Simulation -1/18/2021 프로토 5회차 월요일 Under/Over

기존 방식으로 보면  둘다 언더가 유리함,, 그러나 2번째 방식으로 판별하면? 보스턴 경기는 오버가 유리하다고 나옴,, 그래서 under, over 표기,,  그리고 댈러스 경기는 두번째 판별을 하면? 반반임,, 그래서 패스 문구를 넣음,, 둘중 한경기 언더가 나온다면? 댈러스 경기가 될거 같음,, 한쪽이 오버가 나온다는 확률 보다는? 패스는 반반 확률이라 기존에 1차 판별로 under가 나온 값이라,, 댈러스 경기 언더가 유력할듯함,, 승부식은? 보스턴이 이기겠죠,, 시카고 경기가 그나마 +핸디승이 가능할거 같아서 배당판에 붉은색으로 칠했음..   Under/over existing discrimination is the first pick, followed by a new method of discrimination. Monday's game is two games, and both under is a win, but if I have to choose between the two, I think Dallas game will be an under. Boston game is an over in the second round, so the second round is a fifty-fifty chance, so I think it will be an advantage. And +Handicab seems to have an advantage in the Chicago game. Foreign friends? I'm putting it up because it's for testing purposes, and you guys? When betting on under/over, bet on under+under matches or over+over matches! Reduce your greed and pass the rest of the game! 굿럭,,

NBA Excel Simulation -1/17/2021 프로토 5회차 일요일 Under/Over

느바 시뮬레이션 승부식 예측은 사실 이변이 발생이 안되면 메리트 상실이군요. 어차피 저야 -핸디캡 건들지 않기에,, 역배당 경기에 가끔 +핸디캡 걸거나, 언더/오버 상품에 가상벳을 집중적으로 테스트 했는데,, 시뮬 초반에 적중률은 운빨이였나 봅니다,, 언더/오버 상품 1.71~1.79  중배당으로 일정하기에  언오버에 관심을 갖을 생각임,, 국농도 비슷함,, 언오버에 관심을 갖으면서 다음주에 시뮬레이션을 좀 다듬을 생각임,, ^^;; The NBA simulation winning method is so wrong! I will focus on under/over products. Most of all, bets are high on under/over products. In Korea, the dividend company will not sell next week due to the relocation of the server. So I am going to modify simulation logic during this period. I'm sorry I made a lot of mistakes. Foreign Friends ^^   굿럭,,   

NBA Excel Simulation -1/16/2021 (Saturday)

Foreign friends, NBA simulation uploaded. Competitions with the phrase " or PASS " on betting tips should be " no-bet " because there is a risk. Excel simulation logic is automatically displayed! 1X2 betting tips? It is better not to have a special phrase, or to try a + handicap in such a game because the phrase with a + handicap is more likely to have an unexpected event. https:// soccervalue1x2.blogspot.com / 2021/01/nba-nba-excel-simulation-underover.html And under/over nba simulation. I've recently written statistics, so don't be too greedy about it. I hope you judge and bet! Above all, you can select various handicap datums in your country, and users can choose different under/over datums. I hope you take advantage of that. In a product that only wins/loses overseas dividends? A 1.90 dividend is a merit, but a 1.6 to 1.8 dividend is also attractive. Greed always lowers success rate in betting. Okay? Currently, the simulation of NBA basketball...

[NBA] NBA Excel Simulation Under/Over Statistics ? 최근 nba 언더/오버 통계임,,

오른쪽 메뉴에 NBA 시뮬레이션,, KBL 시뮬레이션 ,, WKBL 시뮬레이션,, 축구 시뮬레이션 카테고리 메뉴를 추가해서 외국인 친구들도 보는데 불편함이  없도록 하겠음,, ^^ Hey, foreign friends, I'm going to open a simulation of each sports type in the menu space on the right to make it easier for you to see them. If you upload an Excel simulation, click on the menu! I am currently doing a test on my blog, and I will upload a separate Korean and English version on YouTube later, so please subscribe to my YouTube channel in advance. 밖에서 그림판으로 뭔짓인지,, 최근 NBA 통계 언더/오버에 대해서 분석을 했음,,  결론은? 언더/오버를  베팅할때 under에 베팅하면 그나마 유리하다는,, When betting on an under/over based on Excel NBA simulation statistics? Statistics show that under betting has a high success rate. 베팅tip에  under , under =  이  소스가  뜬 경기는  언더를 주력으로 가져가도 매우 유리할수가 있음,, 그리고  over, over = 확률이 썩 높지  않음,, 잘 부러지고 있네요,, 근소하게 over 61%,,  under, over = under 64%  누적통계에 의하면 언더에 걸면 그나마 유리,,  over, under= 50% 반반 확률임,, 2연속으로 오버가 부러지면,, 3번째 경기는 언더가 유리할수도 있음,,...

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